Fall has arrived
Last night Fall arrived. It was kind of chilly!
Actually been very busy lately, even to eat good food! Firearm requals this week: 255 out of possible 300!!!! And I haven't even shot since last years requals, I was glad not to have failed. Mickey was sick this week and left me a couple of visuals on the living room floor to make her point, ick. Mother agreed to watch her this week...playing hooky from work and going to Foxwoods for a couple of days for employee bash, damn! No worries, I'm bringing a book to read.
Tended bar today and crossed paths with my spanish teach from 7th grade!! I never forget a face, hah! Made great tips too. Maybe just maybe I'll gamble it and win big this week.
Maybe it's a new hairstyle but last night a woman insisted I look so much like...no, not Sarah Jessica Parker but Jennifer Aniston (???) and another said Sheryl Crow (?????) whats up with that? Today 2 men said I resemble Aniston, hmmph. Have these people ever watched Friends?? I look nothing like her. jeez!
Song today - The Big Payback - James Brown, yah!