Thursday, June 29, 2006

35 years is a long ass time

My boss retired today after more than 35 years with the department. Wow, that is just way too long to be unhappy. He seemed happy tonight though:
This biatch
really got to me by the end of the evening. She is such a gossip ho. AND she lives in a fuggin glass house!
Earlier some of the worker bees were having fun though:

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Stop raining already!

I got my mop chopped this past weekend and let me say, Amanda knows how to cut hair! She appears to trim each individual hair. She even remembered me from February, I was impressed! Here is what it looked like right after:
forgive the pic, i was in the bathroom and not so good at taking pics of myself. It looked groovier in person, you'll just have to trust me. BUT, after came the rain:

I only had to walk 2 blocks but I had wavy hair at that point, hmph!

Tomorrow my boss is retiring. I cannot imagine spending over 30 years at this job. My gosh, that's a frightening thought. I had to cough up $40.00 to go to the 'retirement fiesta'. Jeez. This weekend is supposed to be a washout also and I have to work. Well, maybe something exciting is on the horizon, oh like my trip next week, yahoo!!! Fun in the sun finally.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Not just a long day, THE longest day...of the year

Today is the first day of summer, thank whoever AND it was a sunny pretty day too. I went to work at 1am this morning until 1pm so I have been awake the whole time, got to see the sunrise (although it was from behind juvenile detention bars) and the sunset. When we were kids the days seemed oh so long and now they only seem a bit longer. How sad...

The stars must be aligned bc there has been much path crossing lately. A whole lot more of us from work were out on friday

and DD showed up. Well I took the high road and went to speak to her and we somewhat cleared the air I guess or whatever, wasn't a big deal then and isn't a big deal now. Got to chatting with MYC and met his wife who as it turns out I went to high school with, weird!! Then ran into the eX. Later I ran into someone else I knew and called him the wrong name completely by accident bc I know him for years and he bootied a friend of mine so I was just being an ass. We then ran into JB and some cops who happened to be the Nth persons that night to grill me as to why I do not have a husband or worse, the dreaded 'boyfriend'. Argh! I have finally managed to answer this question with a sentence or two. Most men bore me and most of them are stupid. If they aren't stupid then they aren't funny. Done.

The next day I woke up with no voice. I mean literally no sound came out when I spoke. It was horrible. Father's Day was not much better but we went to The Country House and the boys ordered $12 salads which literally looked like $6 salad at best, I couldn't believe the prices at this place but, really, but, the meal was damn tasty. Here's the salad:
and my immense stack o tuna:

For the gift of being my Father (hee hee) and Mother's birthday I catered them a dinner which they appeared to appreciate until Father tells me that he is going away for business upstate and won't be around to eat it. SOOO, Mother jewishly guilts me into coming back over the next night to eat with her. I am so tired. The lamb chops came out awesome, the crab cakes super but the sauce icky. The rest of the dishes were tasty also but I didn't take pics cus I forgot my digi.

I am so tired. I called the Dr. to help with the insomnia and they recommended melatonin, so we are working on that this week. As of now I have been awake for 39 hours and just now starting to feel a bit sleepy. I am completely ill and have a cough that sounds like a lung is about to be projected out of my mouth. I am actually medicating myself with real medicine it's that bad. It sucks.

Song for today: You have killed me - Morrissey

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

What is it?

What is it about Ray LaMontagne that just makes me ..... i don't know what but it does that. I must hear this in person.

Another song, "Crazy" stirs up emotion but I have no clue why or what the emos are. weird. sometimes i feel like i'll weep other times it makes me rollerblade faster other times i just sigh and go hmpfh.

Obvious song for today: Crazy - Gnarls Barkley

Monday, June 12, 2006

Bettye Lavette rocks socks

Went into the city yesterday and was planning on going spice shopping so I got off midtown only to find myself smack in the middle of the Puerto Rican Day parade. jeez it was chaos, total chaos. I never made it to the spice shop and just walked thirty+ blocks to the Big Apple BBQ where I got a free Brooklyn beer (savings $4) and waited for Bettye Lavette to start singing.
She is amazing. I cannot wait to see her again, I must look into this.
KB actually showed and didn't stand me up for the third time! It was fun to catch up with her since we haven't seen each other since college, oh and DP's wedding six years ago. Then we paid for a beer and later got another for free (savings $8!). The BBQ was all gone and KB seemed disappointed and I found out that she is a total foodie and even makes her own ice cream, wow.
So we got tasty Regional Thai Taste in Chelsea. She ordered a mango caress and I a mojito, which totally sucked (loss of savings at $9 ea,hmpf) but they were very pretty:
We ordered the dinner box which I insisted on calling the box multiple times, since after the beer it seemed very amusing (dork!), the soup was awesome
and so was the box
heh heh :)
Feeling nostalgic I stopped off on the way home to visit RH at work since I hadn't seen her in nearly a year. Then we went for more drinks of course. Good times. Good times.

Song for today: Play something country - Brooks and Dunn

Saturday, June 10, 2006

What a sight

Such a bright moon tonight it made the sky a lovely blue. The photo doesn't capture it though.

song for today: Delicate (damien rice cover) - Celso Fonseca
love this version

The drunk octopus

Last night we went to a summer place and it was just okay. I had decided to see what straight hair would look like:
which I was modestly happy with and surprised how long it was, until we left and it started to pour like a you know what...
So I had a frizzed out curly thing going on after that.
Next, I headed out to the birthday bash and to witness the cake extravaganza

It all got a bit out of hand as the evening progressed and after multiple jell-o shots someone turned into a sea creature and I HAD to get the hell out of there. Unfortunately some people don't listen and I nearly ran him over with my car. I am debating whether or not to mention this incident to the ex-girlfriend who I really like being friends with. Maybe some things are better left unsaid. Hmpf. Men are complete idiots.
Well, except for my new crush:


Thursday, June 08, 2006

Where is that darn romance?

What is the point of living without romance or any of the other pleasures of life?

This is the scariest website I have been to in a while. Jeez.

Tonight I made a birthday cake for a co-worker who it seems might not be getting a homemade cake on his 40th. It's a checkerboard cake, shhh, but I am not the finisher. I made it for my office mate (his ex) who doesn't have the time to make one by friday for her EX bf. I insist that she has to icer and frost or decorate it. Although I have to admit, it's a bit unfulfilling to make a 3 layer cake and not be able to finish it and see the result. well life goes on. Gosh, watching her backslide helps me out too. Last night, TA came over and we drank a bottle
which I recognized from the first sip as the wine I got polluted on that last night of class in nyc then fell asleep on the subway, anyway...she is such a strange bird. I mean really strange way of thinking of relationships and men in general. Somehow she has equated doing things for someone as a way of making them fall in love with her and stay there. HUH? How the hell did I wind up like me and she wind up like her, who the hell knows, but phew.

Life does not happen sitting home in my apt waiting for someone else to ask me to make plans. If only my friends were a bit more ambitious. I don't always want to be the cruise director!
I just reserved a weekend as a cowgirl! F the cowboys, they're probably all married or better, gay!

Song for today, brings me back to being a youngster:
Baby you're the best - Carly Simon

Monday, June 05, 2006

Rubberbands in life

I cannot believe that was a year ago already....does the saga continue? We shall see.

I'm so cheesy at night

Did I mention just how amazing that smokey blue cheese was? It is simply amazing. Here is a link I found about it: Smokey love.

I wanted to share my feta experience and how surprisingly nice this "Light" French feta was that I opened the other day. It is light in calories and fat and just a bit light in flavor but very moist and crumbly. It is better on its own rather than in salad or with veggies.

Oregon, France and now Italy. I also picked up Taleggio at Fairway and I just love this mild cheese, it's perfect for me on whole wheat crackers. It would probably be very good melted on anything also but it never seems to make it here long enough for that.

I am piggie, hear me oink.

Sunday, June 04, 2006

It is fair to say that I love Fairway!

I completely love Fairway. You may wonder is it possible to love a food store? Well, yes, indeed it is. Fairway is always there for me and is just far enough out of reach that I still feel independent. Fairway does not irritate me and I do not irritate Fairway, unless you count the cheese monger who seemed bothered by me yesterday but usually is very pleasant. Fairway always has what I need and is fresh! Okay that was lame but point was made. I enjoy spending an hour wandering the store with a majority of time spent in produce and cheese.

In less than 24 hrs I have gorged on a blue gouda which is super, a smokey blue (), which is even more super, some pot cheese which reminds me of being a jew even if its not a jew food. I also splurged on some spice power-fu tofu salad which I successfully replicated today after an hour of playing around with flavors. I am very excited about this, not only because there is not much other excitement in my life but because now I don't have to spend $6.50/lb for power-fu AND I make a whole bunch at once instead of their cheesey little containers. YUM-O!!! Gosh that is so Rachael Ray and she is so ICK-O!

I am also working on a recipe for a $50,000 burger that I will be submitting in August but cannot reveal any details for obvious reasons. Don't be a hater!

There was less married drama this weekend, phew. Friday involved some loser, who made out with 2 of my friends (in one night mind you) a couple of months ago, and he insisted that there was:
'something between us. are you telling me you don't feel it?'
me: 'well, i don't mean to be offensive or rude here, but no.'
him: 'i don't believe you.'
me: 'i'm sure that's what they said to Columbus, but the world is not flat.'
him: 'huh?'
me: 'see? nothing there. i'm going to the ladies room.'
He approaches yet again later on,
me: 'so you are married aren't you?'
him: 'no'
me: 'that's odd, if i remember right, you were married two months ago.'
him: 'oh,, i am married. butbutbutbutbutbtubtubt.........'

and He was super annoying on top of it all too. what do you know, here's a photo of said loser:

Then "drunk lisa" appeared and made too many comments about DH's married "boyfriend" and he seemed to be upset but it's all true. Although I admitted it's not my place to comment. My apologies for that.

Days without sugar: 4. I miss cake mix with water :(
and I miss Moose a lot today.

Song today: With or without you - U2

Friday, June 02, 2006

A bit of wisdom overheard...

It's best to have the memory of an experience than the wonderings of an opportunity gone by.