Sunday, June 19, 2005

Father's Day

For Father's Day, ran 4.5miles with father today. Was Mother's birthday as well, gave them tickets to see B.B. King. My brother is the most selfish immature shithead in the world as I know it. Life is boring sometimes. I do believe in fate and destiny despite better judgement. i love my ipod. working as a waitress in the hamptons is degrading but worth it for cash. hah! i like my life. i love my dog. I like my friends, I am glad T.A. lives down the street, we drink wine together. i like to post when drunk!

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Key West in June

Was in Key West for the weekend, was the best time ever. the run was a nightmare. took me 46 minutes to run 5 miles. i think i slept for 12 hours total the whole weekend. i might have more faith in mankind now. ran into 2 familiar faces, was intriguing to say the least. maybe the world is not such a big place. maybe height is not a big deal. maybe everything is coicidence, maybe everything is chance. maybe its destiny. maybe I should not have answered the phone on monday or tuesday or today. hmm...Maybe I should start running a bit harder, maybe I should tell my dog that i love her more often. Maybe I shouldn't get pissed when things don't go my way. Maybe I shouldn't fall asleep with mascara on, it makes my lashes crunchy. Maybe I should read less and watch more tv. I wonder if I can do anything I want to whenever I want to. Probably not. why is there a spark between some people and not others? I think I might get to posting my list of "100 things to do before I die" here.