Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Not just a long day, THE longest day...of the year

Today is the first day of summer, thank whoever AND it was a sunny pretty day too. I went to work at 1am this morning until 1pm so I have been awake the whole time, got to see the sunrise (although it was from behind juvenile detention bars) and the sunset. When we were kids the days seemed oh so long and now they only seem a bit longer. How sad...

The stars must be aligned bc there has been much path crossing lately. A whole lot more of us from work were out on friday

and DD showed up. Well I took the high road and went to speak to her and we somewhat cleared the air I guess or whatever, wasn't a big deal then and isn't a big deal now. Got to chatting with MYC and met his wife who as it turns out I went to high school with, weird!! Then ran into the eX. Later I ran into someone else I knew and called him the wrong name completely by accident bc I know him for years and he bootied a friend of mine so I was just being an ass. We then ran into JB and some cops who happened to be the Nth persons that night to grill me as to why I do not have a husband or worse, the dreaded 'boyfriend'. Argh! I have finally managed to answer this question with a sentence or two. Most men bore me and most of them are stupid. If they aren't stupid then they aren't funny. Done.

The next day I woke up with no voice. I mean literally no sound came out when I spoke. It was horrible. Father's Day was not much better but we went to The Country House and the boys ordered $12 salads which literally looked like $6 salad at best, I couldn't believe the prices at this place but, really, but, the meal was damn tasty. Here's the salad:
and my immense stack o tuna:

For the gift of being my Father (hee hee) and Mother's birthday I catered them a dinner which they appeared to appreciate until Father tells me that he is going away for business upstate and won't be around to eat it. SOOO, Mother jewishly guilts me into coming back over the next night to eat with her. I am so tired. The lamb chops came out awesome, the crab cakes super but the sauce icky. The rest of the dishes were tasty also but I didn't take pics cus I forgot my digi.

I am so tired. I called the Dr. to help with the insomnia and they recommended melatonin, so we are working on that this week. As of now I have been awake for 39 hours and just now starting to feel a bit sleepy. I am completely ill and have a cough that sounds like a lung is about to be projected out of my mouth. I am actually medicating myself with real medicine it's that bad. It sucks.

Song for today: You have killed me - Morrissey


At 12:07 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, my fav season is summer...its a season of fun and to the beach I go:)


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