Watch out cali
Going to California to live the life. Just kidding, will post as I go.....the pics should be interesting to say the least!
Thoughts on life and other nonsense.
Going to California to live the life. Just kidding, will post as I go.....the pics should be interesting to say the least!
This is what bothers me today...people who drive slow in the left lane. AND have the nerve to brake for no reason. Move out of my fucking way. Ok moving on.
This really bugs me...those people who walk down the hall and shuffle their feet. Pick up your fucking feet man!
Today was not a good day for Mickey. She is limping all over the place, so we are going to the vet tomorrow, she is so excited to get a shot, not! The parents informed me that they purchasing a new abode for nearly a million, it's over 4400 square feet, how vulgar! Although I am thinking of working my way into living in their basement while going to school. Mother is encouraging me to finish my master's degree, be a librarian and do something other than law enforcement. I agree. Not excited about giving up $30 grand though. After I will be able to move anywhere and not be bound to this career. I have wanted to move for a while anyway, I am thinking Wash DC. I have always enjoyed it there, so much to eat! Maybe Boston, but those Red Sox fans, ugh! I got a coupon for a free car wash in the mail today, worth $17, full service! yipee! Everyone knows how I love my q-pons! Finished the book about the autistic kid writing a book about a dog who was murdered. Was really fun, definitely recommended for a light read. Song for the day, Don't Stop by Brazilian Girls. Been loving them for a couple of weeks now, aside from the smoking herb theme, they are awesome.
So what is the moral of this saga....I am done with the "Thelma & Louise" trips, aside from Mickey being extremely well behaved, they have not worked out this summer and I am probably more cynical and now starting to doubt my instincts, which I have always trusted. I have to admit I was duped and that is hard to swallow. I cannot believe that I misjudged someone so much so and I actually believed lies to be true, coming from someone that was, at best, a distant friend. I just don't get it. I am unable to accept that this person who I considered to be a friend, would be so...not what they presented. Why waste our time. I am still shocked that someone would outright fib to me and not just say the truth. You get what you give, no?
An incredible sky tonight, seems completely clear and the moon is full and white. David won again on Jeopardy! but this woman gave him a run for the money but she fucked up final jeopardy by mistake. It was painful to watch because she had the correct answer but not exactly. damn! started reading a very amusing book, The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time by Mark Haddon. It is a story within a story, meaning we are reading what is a mystery novel written by an autistic teen who is writing about a dog that was murdered on his block. It's a quick one, I am nearly half done already. Definitely try it out. Mickey is doing well today, no photo again today. I have decided to quit this job by January, now I need to figure out what to do with my time.
Watched Sex in the City tonight, 2 decent episodes. Miranda meets Steve, Big shows up at the bar to meet the girls, Charlotte is a slut at a wedding. Underlying theme is the wonder of fate. So I was wondering...If we believe in fate, do we wait for fate to come knocking or do we go out and make our own fate, or is that in and of itself the fate then? If so, then everything we do is our fated reaction to another fate. also wondering, do we use fate as an excuse for failed occurrences in our lives???
I have had just enough of this humid weather, it's crap. There were 2 magazines waiting in my box for me today and about 60 of those inserts for subscribing to the magazine between the pages, I already fucking paid you, stop wasting paper and annoying the crap out of me with these things. Those things bother me to no end.
Well, no posting for a while. decided to get off, that site is junk. i am disappointed in people. i firmly believe in 'you get what you give', i now realize many people do not. i hope i do not give in and become one of these people. i appreciate the people in my life. went out for christines bachelorette party last night, was fun. lots of guidos in hampton bays, not fun. having trouble with faith in others lately. trip to outer banks/ocean city got fucked up. the weather hasn't been great for a beach trip so i guess it wasn't a total loss. mickey is sleeping a lot and i found another lump on her. it makes me so fucking upset when i think about life without her. guess i am not a tough girl. i will try and post more often now that you all can read this, it will help my phone bill also. spent no less than 2 hours on the phone tonight, found out Gigglepuss is lactose intolerant, definitely info we need to know, hee hee. Have not exercised since tuesday, ha! Didn't leave the house until 5pm today, sweet day of sitting around watching movies and drinking tea. Very useful at times. Got into a car accident on friday, not useful. Left the scene, but eventually went back and left a note, fucking karma can be a bitch, so I decided not to fuck with it, especially since the owner is straight from India. Not messing with that. A $20 night turned into a $920 night. Damn it! Acutally had to turn on the a/c today due to this incredible humidity and we all know how much I am against artifically cold air. Mickey seemed to need it, she couldn't pull herself up until I chilled her room out. She was strangely interested in the french film we watched today though, hmmm.....