Sunday, July 31, 2005

Watch out cali

Going to California to live the life. Just kidding, will post as I go.....the pics should be interesting to say the least!

Saturday, July 30, 2005

Be spontaneous and see what happens for $7.50!

This is what bothers me today...people who drive slow in the left lane. AND have the nerve to brake for no reason. Move out of my fucking way. Ok moving on.
Absolutely gorgeous evening on Georgica Beach in East Hampton. Worked at beach party for some obnoxious couple who had about 40 Germans in town. They had NO manners, jeez! We were behind Calvin Klein's house and down the block from Spielberg and Martha Stewart's compound. ICK. super big houses on the beach using way too much electricity. The sky was amazing though and saw a shooting star, yah! The lot of us sat around and drank beer for a while just soaking it in.
After the Riverview last night for Liza's 38th (!!!) b-day (why does she love that place so much?) came home and couldn't sleep. JB had called earlier and casually asked if I was interested in coming to San Diego for the week. But I said nah..."what about the dog?", "I didn't put in for vacation time", etc. SO...since I was home and bored, I went online just for shits to see how much a flight would be and it was $600. That was too much for spontaneity's sake, but then I remembered that I was close to another free roundtrip on southwest, so I checked my account and more rewards were posted the day before (!), so I called Mother and surprisingly she agreed to watch Mickey for me, so I fucking booked the first available flight out, cost me $7.50 surcharge. That's coffee and smokes, fuck yeah I gotta go! Hope JB is ready! I want to go to Tijuana also. You know I love that kitschy crap. Wish I wasn't so opposed to zoos, supposedly San Diego has the nicest in the world, hmm. So on the way out east, I went to the library (of course) and got some reading material, then stopped into work and left a note that I am not in, ciao losers. Will post pics in the album through the links for y'all to check out.
I just hope Grandfather doesn't feed Moose too much cake and Father doesn't lock her out! I will miss her, I have not been without her for more than 4 days since 1995! No photo today, don't be sad. Was Kids Week on Jeopardy, damn.
Song for the day: Love will find a way - ATB/Heather Nova remix, i think...good for driving at night amongst other things.

Friday, July 29, 2005

I love my moose

Forgot to post the pic of Moose and me in Va fucking cute is she!!!

"Baron de Rothschild is behind it all"

This really bugs me...those people who walk down the hall and shuffle their feet. Pick up your fucking feet man!
Scary shit that happened today, came to work and realized when I was driving that I still felt kind of drunk but wasn't sure if I was just not in the mood to come here....intoxilyzer reading .07% Fucking christ! I was dwai at 9am! Not good. I only had 4 drinks, swear! 1 of them was in a pint glass though, hmmm....
Went to see the parent's new dwelling, huge but no yard, I guess its ok since its on a freaking golf course, jeez! they don't even know what golf is, haha. I think I counted 4 bathrooms then stopped counting.
Did you know this? credit at McD's. Was super thirsty and went to McDonald's, havent been there in years but heard that you can use atm card so I went to get a diet coke with my credit card, just because its so insane to use a credit card at a fucking fast food joint. Could they make it any easier to get fat? So of course I just had to buy a grilled chicken sandwich because I haven't had one in 5 days and was starting to go into withdrawal. It was actually not bad, but it was nearly $7! I am really in the mood for good tuna. I am thinking tuna from Blue Honu, I like their food. I think I might still be drunk, nah. I just tested myself again, all zeros.
Got an advert from a travel site, thinking about going to Costa del Sol for Thanksgiving for $550, need a partner for this price though. Also, 4 days at Atlantis in Paradise Island in September for $400 with air, if you want to come with, let me know, I'll post the links here later.
My superviser spent no less than 90 minutes discussing conspiracy theory with me. He is totally whipped into this shit and ufos and mind control shit and these chemtrails. He thinks the government planned 9-11-01 and actually hired people to do it. He also told me of some sexual slave trade that our gov't has. Hmmmm....sounds like somebody needs some meds. He gave me a bunch of links to read about it. He is batty batty batty. People like this make life interesting. He also encouraged me to get out of this job, he thinks I am "capable of more". What the fuck?????

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Change is good

Today was not a good day for Mickey. She is limping all over the place, so we are going to the vet tomorrow, she is so excited to get a shot, not! The parents informed me that they purchasing a new abode for nearly a million, it's over 4400 square feet, how vulgar! Although I am thinking of working my way into living in their basement while going to school. Mother is encouraging me to finish my master's degree, be a librarian and do something other than law enforcement. I agree. Not excited about giving up $30 grand though. After I will be able to move anywhere and not be bound to this career. I have wanted to move for a while anyway, I am thinking Wash DC. I have always enjoyed it there, so much to eat! Maybe Boston, but those Red Sox fans, ugh! I got a coupon for a free car wash in the mail today, worth $17, full service! yipee! Everyone knows how I love my q-pons! Finished the book about the autistic kid writing a book about a dog who was murdered. Was really fun, definitely recommended for a light read. Song for the day, Don't Stop by Brazilian Girls. Been loving them for a couple of weeks now, aside from the smoking herb theme, they are awesome.
Sarah Jessica Parker look alike comments today: 2.

Monday, July 25, 2005

Life is not always a bowl of cherries, sometimes there is poo in the bowl!

So life is a highway, enjoy the ride, blah blah...I guess we have to since this is the only life we have. Thought for today, was in the mall returning more clothing, of course and noticed all of these young teenage girls wearing way too little clothing and way too much makeup. Don't these women have parents to tell them how slutty they look?
Gigglepuss and I tried to get down south this weekend to experience the beaches of our coast but we seemed to have trouble with maps and directions and roads and the co-pilot had shirked on her duties as did I and we found ourselves 65 miles out of the way and in Cape May, NJ after sitting in 3 hours of grueling Jersey shore traffic so we corrected our mistake and drove 55 miles back to get on track, argh! After being in the car for forever we stopped on a highway in Va. Got drunk very quickly, probably due to lack of food and energy, called someone we thought we were buddies with and soon found out we were wrong. Oh so fucking wrong.
The next day, Giggles was vomiting the ENTIRE day and Mickey was passed out cold from being in the car so long so she was asleep. Giggles could not brave another drive and being away from a bathroom, so I went to the beach by myself and got completely lost in Va, with no map of course. Finally at night, Giggles pulled it together and we went out drinking, ran into some seemingly normal guy at 7-11 who gave us a bunch of so-called 'groovy' places to hang out in and his phone #. Cha right....he had to be gay or just trying to be, the joints were all lame, so we went to the first busy place we saw and ran into a freaky local alcoholic from the night before, weird. But there is no such thing as fate so I guess it was coincidence, what is coincidence anyway, and why does it happen so much to me?
Soooo, he and his drunk old friend jam their beers in their pockets and they tell us they will show us all the local gin joints and they did. We must have gone to at least 8 bars then wound up at the same place as the night before, which is probably the nicest place around in this redneck town. This freak then tells me that I look like Mel Gibson (????). By now, we are spent and buzzed and just want to eat snacks. So we manage to find our way back to the hotel along some local road but stop at another bar where I pay $20 for a rum and coke and get $4 back (of course, because I have a Seinfeld life) so I tell the wench and she claims I gave her $10 which I know is not true because I only had $7 and the rest were $20s. Now I am pissed all over the place and I leave to make a phone call outside which results in an emotional tirade which went on and on and on. And on.
Finally we get to another 7-11 since everything in this goddamn town is closed and I think we bought snacks and water. We get to the hotel and it is fucking freezing from the a/c and Mickey is still passed out. I lost an earring of course, fucking again. The next day, we walked around town and ate bad mexican food before happening upon a sweet sushi joint but Mickey was so completely incapable of walking around that Giggles had to go back and get the car while she and I sat on the beach and cooled off. Can you believe I forgot my camera? me? I had only a couple of dig photos b/c I forgot my handy disposable cam in the car.
The drive back was relaxing, weather was great and we only made a 30 minute mistake this time. We got Roy Rogers and it was awesomely disgusting but in a good way, since there aren't any around here. Dropped off Giggles without a problem and had to get some drink, hah!

When our paths cross again will I punch him in the brain?

So what is the moral of this saga....I am done with the "Thelma & Louise" trips, aside from Mickey being extremely well behaved, they have not worked out this summer and I am probably more cynical and now starting to doubt my instincts, which I have always trusted. I have to admit I was duped and that is hard to swallow. I cannot believe that I misjudged someone so much so and I actually believed lies to be true, coming from someone that was, at best, a distant friend. I just don't get it. I am unable to accept that this person who I considered to be a friend, would be so...not what they presented. Why waste our time. I am still shocked that someone would outright fib to me and not just say the truth. You get what you give, no?
We all know that I am honest to a fault, which I know a lot of people think is one of my major flaws but on the upside, you never have to wonder what I mean.
I am kicking myself silly because I let someone back into my world when they had wronged me in the past, but I was supposed to be turning over this new leaf, being more forgiving and not cutting people off so easily, yadda what is the lesson in this? Maybe cutting people off who disrespect you is the correct move. Maybe forgiveness is overrated. I don't expect others to forgive me if I wrong them and don't give an explanation of my actions.
I have been told that I am wrong to assume that everyone treats people the way they want to be treated.
My girl TD tells me that it is easier to lie than tell the truth sometimes. I think this is crap. Sometimes the truth hurts but that's life. I wonder if this dodgey person is really that manipulative and calculated or just unwilling to admit that he got some satisfaction from fucking with a tough bitch like me. The major issue is why someone would initiate anything with ME, a second time no less, if they could not tie it up in a sweet little bow and close the chapter nicely. What did they think was going to happen? Instead I have to take that time in KW and all of those, I mean ALL of those hours on the phone and believe it to be bullshit. Hmmph! How fucking unsettling. I can't get those hours back. They are on the timeline of our lives.
Maybe I do expect too much of people. Although I never expected anything, he said we had unfinished business. He made me like him. I do expect an explanation, I don't want to think it was all bullshit. I don't want to think he is evil.
I do want to know why he wanted me to have photos of him, the "office", the jeep, the porsche, the haircut. Why did he want me to take that photo of him in his jumpsuit? He should not have discussed me with his friends and told me such. Why didn't he just leave me alone after KW? I did not pursue him. Why did he want me to remember him? How does he want me to remember him?
Pondering these questions...but alas we might never get an answer, which is unbelievably disappointing. It is never too late to set things right. Something can always be said. I can only hope that he has the decency to say it, for better or for worse.
I always put my two cents in and I am still cute as hell!

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

So tired today

An incredible sky tonight, seems completely clear and the moon is full and white. David won again on Jeopardy! but this woman gave him a run for the money but she fucked up final jeopardy by mistake. It was painful to watch because she had the correct answer but not exactly. damn! started reading a very amusing book, The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time by Mark Haddon. It is a story within a story, meaning we are reading what is a mystery novel written by an autistic teen who is writing about a dog that was murdered on his block. It's a quick one, I am nearly half done already. Definitely try it out. Mickey is doing well today, no photo again today. I have decided to quit this job by January, now I need to figure out what to do with my time.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Thought today: Are nail biters cannibals?

Watched Sex in the City tonight, 2 decent episodes. Miranda meets Steve, Big shows up at the bar to meet the girls, Charlotte is a slut at a wedding. Underlying theme is the wonder of fate. So I was wondering...If we believe in fate, do we wait for fate to come knocking or do we go out and make our own fate, or is that in and of itself the fate then? If so, then everything we do is our fated reaction to another fate. also wondering, do we use fate as an excuse for failed occurrences in our lives???

I finished True Story by Michael Finkel tonight. Interesting story about a man who allegedly kills his family, assumes the identity of a NY Times writer (who has just been fired for falsified reporting, unbeknownst to the alleged killer) and runs off to Mexico. The story is true and written by that same NY Times writer, who befriends the killer while he is in prison awaiting trial. The book is not written like a novel but the fact that it's true made me keep reading. Not bad if you're on a long trip, I skipped some of the chapters because they just seemed redundant. Give it a glance.

Had to use a/c again, ugh. Did decent on Jeopardy! David won AGAIN! I thought for sure Richard was going to beat him tonight, but alas that bastard from Germany pulled through in the end, argh. I don't like him. Gorgeous moon tonight, actually sat on the curb and stared for a bit while waiting for Mickey to pee. The clouds around this full moon looked like a cartoonish dog's face. weird. weirder because earlier today I was thinking of a full yellow moon for about 5 minutes, this one is more white than yellow though, but I didn't know we were due for a full moon today, hmmm.

Monday, July 18, 2005

hellish humidity

I have had just enough of this humid weather, it's crap. There were 2 magazines waiting in my box for me today and about 60 of those inserts for subscribing to the magazine between the pages, I already fucking paid you, stop wasting paper and annoying the crap out of me with these things. Those things bother me to no end.
Mickey has been lazing around all day, hopefully just from the heat. I had the a/c running all evening for her! Got ready to go jogging but could barely breathe outside, maybe from the weather, maybe from the half pack of cig habit I have developed lately.
Well, had a delightful day of visiting smelly criminals, 3 in particular were rancid dumps. An older woman who worked for CPS and was a teacher while abusing heroin and now on methadone who has 10 foster children and 10 cats was so smelly, I literally, I mean fucking literally held my nose while we were in her house. It was one of the most vial smells ever. Like swimming in a pool filled with cat piss, ick! She was horrible herself. Another woman we met had talons, no joke, for toenails. Weighed at least 250lbs and was shorter than me. Her husband was about half of me. They had carved their names with a heart into the windowsill, did I mention, they are probably in their 50s? Where do these people come from? Oh, Mastic, of course!
I made a mental note to print out the list of '100 things to do' at work tomorrow. Will post some each day. Finished a crossword in New York magazine, which is no big accomplishment but did quite well on Jeopardy! today.
I was wondering, how do you find out how much to inflate car tires? I looked at the manual and on the stickers on the car and I couldn't find the answer. Some grease monkey trudged across the parking lot to attempt to help me, but when I turned around and gave him 'the look' he sheepishly walked away, hah! "was that mean?? I didn't think I was being mean" hee hee.
I found a great way to make eating a non-grilled cheeseburger more interesting. I cooked it on my fuschia Foreman, ate half when it was warm and then later ate the other half chilled. I remember back in college I liked eating cheeseburgers from the fridge. hmmm.
The photo for the day is Mickey hiding in the hall bathroom, I think it was raining. She is such a cute little wimp.

Sunday, July 17, 2005

Back on...

Well, no posting for a while. decided to get off, that site is junk. i am disappointed in people. i firmly believe in 'you get what you give', i now realize many people do not. i hope i do not give in and become one of these people. i appreciate the people in my life. went out for christines bachelorette party last night, was fun. lots of guidos in hampton bays, not fun. having trouble with faith in others lately. trip to outer banks/ocean city got fucked up. the weather hasn't been great for a beach trip so i guess it wasn't a total loss. mickey is sleeping a lot and i found another lump on her. it makes me so fucking upset when i think about life without her. guess i am not a tough girl. i will try and post more often now that you all can read this, it will help my phone bill also. spent no less than 2 hours on the phone tonight, found out Gigglepuss is lactose intolerant, definitely info we need to know, hee hee. Have not exercised since tuesday, ha! Didn't leave the house until 5pm today, sweet day of sitting around watching movies and drinking tea. Very useful at times. Got into a car accident on friday, not useful. Left the scene, but eventually went back and left a note, fucking karma can be a bitch, so I decided not to fuck with it, especially since the owner is straight from India. Not messing with that. A $20 night turned into a $920 night. Damn it! Acutally had to turn on the a/c today due to this incredible humidity and we all know how much I am against artifically cold air. Mickey seemed to need it, she couldn't pull herself up until I chilled her room out. She was strangely interested in the french film we watched today though, hmmm.....