Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Change is good

Today was not a good day for Mickey. She is limping all over the place, so we are going to the vet tomorrow, she is so excited to get a shot, not! The parents informed me that they purchasing a new abode for nearly a million, it's over 4400 square feet, how vulgar! Although I am thinking of working my way into living in their basement while going to school. Mother is encouraging me to finish my master's degree, be a librarian and do something other than law enforcement. I agree. Not excited about giving up $30 grand though. After I will be able to move anywhere and not be bound to this career. I have wanted to move for a while anyway, I am thinking Wash DC. I have always enjoyed it there, so much to eat! Maybe Boston, but those Red Sox fans, ugh! I got a coupon for a free car wash in the mail today, worth $17, full service! yipee! Everyone knows how I love my q-pons! Finished the book about the autistic kid writing a book about a dog who was murdered. Was really fun, definitely recommended for a light read. Song for the day, Don't Stop by Brazilian Girls. Been loving them for a couple of weeks now, aside from the smoking herb theme, they are awesome.
Sarah Jessica Parker look alike comments today: 2.


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