Thursday, August 31, 2006

To have ambition is my ambition

You all must really subscribe to this daily horoscope. I just read mine for today.

(Dec. 22-Jan. 19)
Your pioneering spirit is required in order to get things moving, and that's just jim-dandy with you. You love being the first to explore a brand-new territory. Those who are too timid can hold up the rear.

Get your own at

Song for today: Call and Answer - BNL

Vegasss baby

I need a tan, I am tired, really fluggin tired, I don't want to work this weekend. It looks like rain here. The summer is nearly over and next week starts hellish stuff so I think I'll go to Las Vegas by myself tomorrow morning cus its the only place in the country where the weather looks fantastic.

The other night I hung out with the Bulge and we reminisced about college for hours. Trippy stuff. He wants the nudes I took of him so last night I looked around for them and came upon my college journals and WOW...13 years later nothing really changes. My mind still works the same way. Was such a mind fuck to be reading this stuff and I don't remember all of these little details and conversations that occurred in 1993. It was like reading someone else's diary.

Life is going to keep on whether I am in it or not. If I don't do something of importance every day it's a waste of a day. Why not go to Vegasss for 2 days. I want to eat some good food anyway and it's the theme for this summer so there you go. My first solo vacation. I just clicked on 'confirm'. I'll be fine right? I actually prefer to hang out with myself lately and have been going out a bunch on my own. I am a bit wary of being in a hotel by myself though. I do need some food recommendations though.

The grilled cheese theory is working out well.

Monday, August 28, 2006

Another "theory"

Anyone who does not enjoy a grilled cheese sandwich has real probelms. I have set out to prove this theory. So far I am correct.

Really now, it's melted cheese between bread slathered in butter and fried up golden. How could anyone not like this? Crap, now I'm craving some.


I am searching for authentic fortune cookies. The ideal cookie would be with a hand written fortune. I had another freaky "coincident" but thats all I can say about it. I am really really really really fluggin tired.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Don't laugh! My job is dangerous!

I was off from work today doing some baking for Huggies belated birthday cus she wanted black forest cake but I mixed it up so I made Black Forest Brownies, this is them with the chocolate glaze and the whipped topping

*No* that's not the dangerous part....As I was glazing them she called to tell me about our fellow P.O. who was involved in a standoff today attempting to execute a warrant. Read about it HERE!!!!

I attempt to execute a couple of warrants each month AND I don't always wear my vest. That's pretty fucking dumb of me.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

An interesting 4 minutes, really.

It's not nearly as lame as it appears.

Liver in the pool

Just another reason to love your library!

And a reason NOT to love your library but ironic for me!

Do you ever wonder?

Do you ever wonder why we all exist?

sometimes I think about how great peanut butter is also. things that make you go hmmm.

I just had to make the super come out at 2:30am to help me into my apt. how much could they be paying him to be on call 24/7 and no o/t either. somehow the lock busted and my key would not work and had to emergency page them at 2am. sucks because i really wanted to eat nachos with melted cheese or even that fake electroyellow cheese i luv so much. alas, i had to resort to peanut butter chips and fried eggs. don't laugh! but i didnt eat em together yo.

pennies been done rainin from heaven too. twice i got free money at a bar in two weeks, more hmmm.

Monday, August 07, 2006

Simon says. And I'd be glad to!

Hey hey now. Somebody had their site updated and it is spectacular!

Sunday, August 06, 2006

To the victor go the spoils and I get to be victor today!

My feet are sore and I worked 11 hours today. I know, I hear the tiny violins but today may be the most cash I have made at once. Since I was "bartending", which I really wasn't since I was pulled to other things nearly the whole night, I got paid separately. So the groom hands me some cash and I stick it in my pocket. A few minutes later, I count the bills...$400.00!!! No freaking joke. Okay so I am thinking this is shift pay and tip. Still a great take for 11 hours, well it was only 10 at that time. So extended another gracious thank you to the host and loaded up his car for him. I had been a bit pissy earlier though as I was very sweaty and it is SO humid out in the fields at night AND I had made only $1 at the bar so far. Moving on, since we were at a vineyard there was extra chilled wine which I was allowed to take. So I gots me another $53.00 in free booze also, BONUS!!! Sweet sparkling wine and kinda not my cup o tea Chardonnay.

So after we finally got the heck outta there, Bob my bartending buddy says he thinks we are still getting shift pay and tip as usual. Now really, get the fuck out of town. Is he saying that we are getting $220 plus our usual $100+ tip in addition to our $400 booty???? I'll have to report on this later cus that would just be too sweet...AND it only took me an hour and half to get through that swampy Hamptons traffic! I'm too excited to sleep, if only I could make $720.00 every night, ahhh...

Well I'm going to Musikfest tomorrow cus I keep hearing from random people how groovy it is. I'd better find some interesting food on the way though. So there.

Friday, August 04, 2006

This is Fing Great!

This is one super idea, although could be seen as evil also.

This is another amusing website to peruse when you are bored or kind of drunk a bit.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

I forgot how cheesy I am

I completely forgot to mention the food shops I visited in the city. Well, it's silly to run through the list now but I did take some pics of other cheese I enjoyed recently.

This is a greek cheese, Manouri. I think that is the correct spelling but who gives a rats ass when it so tasty? Serious now, I don't know how to describe it but it seems like a firm chevre but tastes like a salty fresh mozzy. It's just good. I attempted to eat other than straight out of the wrapper but that never happened.

I also tried this Australian cheddar, mostly because it was only $2.00/lb. I usually don't try cheddars but there was a sample lady and I watched her cut a piece then put a pick in it so I figured communal food was ok this once. It was creamy and mild but not like our cheddar so I purchased a chunk. That was 2 weeks ago and there is still some left so I'm not a huge pig lately. Then again I haven't been home that much so...

Forgive my crappy pics. Don't bother with Grace's Marketplace on the UES either, it doesn't come close to Fairway or Zabar's, it was more like a pricey Whole Foods. Which brings me to Union Square where I love the Whole Foods market AND the recently opened Trader Joe's has a separate wine store where I purchased 2 bottles of wine for less than $9!!! Now that's a deal! And no the wine doesn't suck, well the vino verde I got was good but that's always cheap. I got a malbec too but I don't have high hopes for that. I didn't see any two buck chuck which i was looking for to make fun of. Hmpf.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

hi again

So where has longislandlisa been tramping it up lately, well let's see....after the cake making I revisited the fiesta where it was being showcased and it was well, a scene. The cake was solicited by a 36 yr old woman whom I was close with more than a year ago. It was a surprise for her 24 yr old "boyfriend" who turned 25 that night. So needless to say the scene there was a bit youthful. Apparently the cake went over very well, although I have yet to be paid for it. After returning to the bar, Chatty and Huggies were feeling happy:
So we stayed there a bit then moved on and drunklisa made an appearance and later an obvious appearance that was made fun for some time afterward. Finally I got my wish and we went to the diner where I harassed the waiter because "I know I know you from somewhere!" Although he stated that he did know me as well.

It's all kind of blurry but I think I went to the beach that weekend also. Last week, I was off from work and spent the entire week in class at NYU which was great because I got to eat at a new place each day! The pics mostly stink but KB met me at Cafe Spice and we had delish indian grub
Some days I forgot my digi, oops. The class was Art Librarianship and it was great. Just great, got to see some really rockin stuff that I wouldn't have had the opportunity to otherwise. Enough about school.
So LF's "29th" birthday (cha right!) was last friday and after sweating it up on the train I unhappily zipped over to Riverview, where else? for her fiesta. It actually wound up being a really good time which is a good thing since I had sworn that place off. I have only one pic of the birthday girl though :(

I've got to remember to take more pics!
Later on that weekend, DH and MV and I headed out to guido central and had a fuggin blast. Who'd a thunk it and on a sunday night to boot?

Although driving home was a nightmare. That's 50 miles babe! Next time, we plan better. So that's it along with some unmentionable occurances. In other news, I am now actively pursuing internship opportunities that have real career possibilities. It's a royal pain in the arse though because commuting to the city and working out here is not a joy.

My ipod car connect broke!!! I so miss my tunes that sometimes I drive wearing my ipod, shhh, I think thats a no-no.