Sunday, August 06, 2006

To the victor go the spoils and I get to be victor today!

My feet are sore and I worked 11 hours today. I know, I hear the tiny violins but today may be the most cash I have made at once. Since I was "bartending", which I really wasn't since I was pulled to other things nearly the whole night, I got paid separately. So the groom hands me some cash and I stick it in my pocket. A few minutes later, I count the bills...$400.00!!! No freaking joke. Okay so I am thinking this is shift pay and tip. Still a great take for 11 hours, well it was only 10 at that time. So extended another gracious thank you to the host and loaded up his car for him. I had been a bit pissy earlier though as I was very sweaty and it is SO humid out in the fields at night AND I had made only $1 at the bar so far. Moving on, since we were at a vineyard there was extra chilled wine which I was allowed to take. So I gots me another $53.00 in free booze also, BONUS!!! Sweet sparkling wine and kinda not my cup o tea Chardonnay.

So after we finally got the heck outta there, Bob my bartending buddy says he thinks we are still getting shift pay and tip as usual. Now really, get the fuck out of town. Is he saying that we are getting $220 plus our usual $100+ tip in addition to our $400 booty???? I'll have to report on this later cus that would just be too sweet...AND it only took me an hour and half to get through that swampy Hamptons traffic! I'm too excited to sleep, if only I could make $720.00 every night, ahhh...

Well I'm going to Musikfest tomorrow cus I keep hearing from random people how groovy it is. I'd better find some interesting food on the way though. So there.


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