Monday, November 28, 2005

Bad cheese, bad cheese!

Went into the city today and had lunch with the Bulge. Nothing changes, is it 12 years since I stole your shirt? I promise if I win another flight to London, I'll take you, just don't sue me!!! LOL. Weird thing....we're walking down the street and he says lets eat here. ok. I look at the menu and realize I have eaten here before but across town. Out of all the places on the block to eat thats odd. AND i had my digi but didn't want to freak him out by taking pics of food. We'll save that for another time. Nice office stud & good luck!

Tonight I busted open a new french Camembert and was knocked down by the smell, bad cheese!!! Had to chuck it out bc it really was bad, I guess I should have paid more attention in the store, freaking $12/lb on top of it all! The bread was toasting so I opened up the Comte, which was really good. It's french and I'm pretty sure it's a french version of swiss gruyere but maybe not.

Moose seems pissed today and I'm not sure why. It was so warm out I didn't even need a coat! Having Monday off is a great way to start the week.

Song today: J.I.M.M.Y. - Jim Jones (just to feed my inner ghetto girl a bit)


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