Monday, November 14, 2005

What now?

Very quiet night tonight. Moose is still at the vet recovering. Very strange not to have her around. No pitter patter into the kitchen when the fridge opens. No nudge to be stroked under her chinny chin. No ears to pick through, fur to brush, no lumps to inspect, no bowls to wash. Distracted myself by working late, watching horrible television while reading magazines then a book.
Odd thing today. Came home to find sundays paper at my door. today is monday and i already got my paper yesterday. hmmm. came with sample tea bag and coffee so i am thinking the gov't found out that i was checking into their cover ups yesterday and now they think i will drink the tea and coffee and they will poison me into forgetting about all that stuff. Alas, i am too clever for that~ gotcha to the man.
Painted my fingernails black at work today. nothing all that exciting happened for the rest of the day. Target charged me 2x for one item so they will get an earful from me tomorrow. The house is too quiet, its making me miss her. Jeez how freaking cheesy am i?

song for tonight: So Lonely - The Police. not just because i miss moose but because its a great fucking song except for the title. everytime i hear it i just want to sing out loud and dance around like a nut.


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