Monday, November 14, 2005

Moose got stoned!

Just got call from our primary vet, Mickey did well in surgery and all the stones are out. Vet said she was the priority this morning and has already been awake for 20 minutes, doing well, on iv and resting. I might even get to pick her up tomorrow!!!!
On a lighter note, my superviser just spent 20 minutes telling me about the No-Fly list put out by the TSA or is it NSA? He is worried that I might work there and not expose the truth. Okay so he is completely paranoid and said he is not consumed by finding out all these governemnt conspiracies. He claims he spends "only about an hour or two each night" reading this stuff on the net and listening to broadcasts by some guy. He claims its like a hobby. cha right! He suggested I look up this Sybil Edmonds woman. What a nut he is, harmless though.

Fantastic weather for Nov.14 today, 65 degrees and sunny!!

Song for today: We are the champions - Queen


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