Sunday, November 20, 2005

That's a whole lotta meat

I hate traffic. Absolutely positively hate traffic. Coming back from NYC yesterday JB and I were discussing traffic problems and why they occur....led to this: Why are there so many stupid drivers? They cause the majority of these problems, look there, there, etc. JB read somewhere that 80% (or some very large #) of the people in this country do not believe in evolution. What does that have to do with it? Well obviously they are all fucking stupid, makes for a lot of stupid drivers. Nice train of thought there mister. Hah hah.
Other very funny comment made by JB. After getting over the bridge going in, we were talking about tunnels and how JB assumed I wouldn't like them since I don't like bridges. Ah only now after all this time you have come up with that assumption? Well if I were a fucking neurotic freak I'd be afraid of tunnels too. Said very matter of factly with a straight face which made me laugh even harder, thanks. So after getting 3 new wines, fab bread and trying some tasty gruyere we headed down to the village for quick food. The burritos were a huge mistake the pics prove it, I couldn't believe someone would serve this crap. You even needed to get a key to use the can.

After, I just had to get my $2 falafel to save for later of course. Thats me next to the meat in the window.

Thought: what do they do with the meat when they are closed? Do they put it in the fridge or just leave it hanging there?

Song for the day was Radioactive by ??? I can't remember who.


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