Wednesday, October 26, 2005

But is it good news?

The internist called today. Mickey's liver nodules are benign! BUT....the tumor on her lung is ???? They can't say for sure what it is without taking a chunk out of her and checking it out. This is "invasive" surgery and has a bunch of possible infections that can follow. The Dr was less than helpful and seemed irritated by my questions. She does need surgery to remove her bladder stones though and while in there she said they will take more of her liver out to figure out what else is going on. I do not know what to do. I just want her to be comfortable. I have decided against chemo if the lung cancer were to be malignant. So why cut her open and make her vulnerable to infection, pain etc?

ON a lighter note, I just went to pee at work and when I entered the stall I nearly passed out. It was the worst smell ever and not what you are thinking. It stunk like a dirty pet store. I have picked up after my dog for 10 1/2 years and never encountered something like this. Needless to say, the previous user was of course, my office mate!! Maybe she had a dead cat in her purse????

I am skipping out of work to go to the library and play with Mickey. No song yet today. The rain has finally stopped though. Enough already with this hurricane bullshit. I 'm bored of it.

Monday, October 24, 2005


Mickey is probably very ill. We are awaiting further test results. I am a mess. This is the hardest thing I have ever had to deal with. I love my moose.

Song for today - She's the One - Robbie Williams (?)

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Stay baby

Worked today. Rained all morning. Beautiful afternoon. Chilly evening. Full moon. Clear night sky.
Had to take Mickey to the 911 pet hospital at 5pm. We left 3.5 hours later. Something is wrong with her liver. I was nearly in tears in the waiting room. We have to go to our vet this week. She was so fucking well behaved, I couldn't believe it. She layed on the bench next to me for 2 hours while we waited for her test results. She even let some chubby kid pet her! I have been petting her all night. Don't leave me baby. I love you.

Song today: Memory Motel - Stones

Friday, October 14, 2005

Rain Rain Rain Rain

I think it has been pouring rain for the past week. It's really getting boring by now and I wish it would stop. Mickey is pissed off because she does not like being outside in the rain either. Now she is limping again and it's probably because she jumped on the sofa when I wasn't home. Damn. Nic is gone!!! Haven't smoked in a while (except when drinking al) and feeling fine. Yom Kippur was yesterday and I atoned or at least I accepted my faults for the year and was at one with 'g-d'. Jeez that sounds ridiculous since I don't believe in g' I am at one with my mistakes for the year and I can let go of mistakes made by others to me. Ahhhh breathe. I fasted for the whole day and only drank a bit of water. Sweet. Gotta love the jews.
More ranting....after walking Mickey this morning and coming to jeans are still soaked up to the knees and it's nearly 1pm! Working tomorrow also, ugh. So I am working at a slow pace so I have something to do tomorrow when I am finished typing my homework. County dollars hard at work!!

Song for today: Dreamgirl - Dave Matthews Band (yes i know it's a repeat but it just makes me smile and i think of sunny days, anything is better than all this fucking rain)
Mood for today: irritable and wanting sashimi, hmpf!

scratch all that, song for today: Bittersweet Surrender - Big Head Todd and the Monsters

damn i am moody today! :(

Monday, October 10, 2005

Jews rock, literally!!

I forgot to post a song for today. Although the band is not all that great, I can imagine it's a fun live show. You all must check them out, Hassidic jews doing hip hop/reggae. The band is called Matisyahu.

Another thing...I have decided not to have the Halloween party. Instead I am considering a Dia de los Muertos fiesta since it will be November and who doesn't like a mexican party celebrating the dead. I am thinking of the menu already!

Anyone with a better idea, email me. Ciao for now.

Amnesia and Deja Vu at the same time

Did you ever notice that sometimes when you have deja vu you remember having the same deja vu before??? Does that just mean you can't remember shit? hah haha!

No work today, a holiday for Columbus! I have developed a bad habit in the past few days...sleeping until noon or later, damn. Went to Fairway this weekend and stocked up on new cheeses: Red Dragon - a soft cheddar like cheese with wholegrain mustard and brown ale. It's awesome on crackers or pumpernickel bread yum! It's made by Somerdale, try it yo! Will advise as I eat my way through the others.

It has been raining for days and on top of it all, now it's cold. So this past weekend's trip was cancelled. I was supposed to take Mickey on a road trip upstate but after coaxing JB into joining us, the agenda changed and we decided to go to Salem, MA for the Halloween festivities. It was a blast when I was there years ago but it rained then too, hmmmm. Mickey would not be happy walking around in the rain the whole weekend so....maybe in 2 weeks we can try again.

Well, going shopping again today, lovin life lately but so tired. Smoking habit is nearly all gone!

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

26 days to go

Where to start...went to Foxwood's last week for an employee appreciation party. total and complete debauchery. 1 person went to the hospital within an hour of arriving in the room. There was enough alcohol to get a small town very drunk. There were 24 of us. 5 suites. Steakhouse for dinner. The dinner was very amusing and the suites were very nice. I won $60 at blackjack!! Gambling is boring though. There were so many eldery people there it was very sad. The ferry ride back was awesome...tank top in the sun in late september, groovy!

No pics, no song, nothing interesting to say. I know you're all disappointed.