Thursday, March 29, 2007

Bettye Lavette kicks ass!

Bettye Lavette at B.B. Kings NYC on 3-24-07.
okay, so my pics arent the greatest.

She was amazing. Can't wait to see her again next month!

2007 St. Pats Parade in Montauk

St. Patricks Day on March 25, 2007

We had a fun time :)

me, cg, pa

in O'Murphys

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Roo Teen Inspires Break Out

When we find ourselves in a routine, maybe we should try eating outside the box.

I have been feeling a bit bored despite being very busy lately so tonight I had 2 bagels for dinner. Actually that's not true, I had a bagel with tuna on it for dinner. I ate 2 additional bagels for absolutely no reason. I was not even hungry. I had and still have no reason for why I ate them. There is nothing in the fridge aside from a carton of vanilla soymilk and some old grape tomatoes. Its depressing for me and my tum tum.

This morning while driving from interview #1 (which was abysmal at best) to interview #2, I was daydreaming and realized that I am bored. I feel like im just this being in some unreliable routine. I got to interview #2 about an hour early so I ate the lunch (green beans and chicken with 1/4 cup of thai sauce which equals exactly 350 calories) which I was saving for later, in the car. With a spoon. It was all I could find in my bag. I flossed my teeth. I drank some water. I ate some gum, still in the car. I wanted to drive away but I went in, now 40 minutes early. The woman was not ready to see me so I wandered around the library. I used a public computer and noticed the man in front of me was on some sort of Victoria's secret-like website. He was just clicking around, clearly not shopping. It amused me and my bored mood lifted for the moment. The librarian told me they were ready for me, I was still super smiley and decided to do everything opposite from that minute on for the next week. The interview was nothing remotely close to abysmal. One woman loved me. The other, I'm not so sure she loved me but she likes me.

I remember being a kid and running out of interesting names to call my brother or parents and had to be nice but then say "aha! its opposite day!" Well folks, it's opposite day for the next 6 days. Although I knew how many calories were in lunch, I didnt log my food intake today. I cancelled my MD appt for today and didn't weigh in. I left work early. I smoked. I ate those damn bagels. With cream cheese. Okay, and one with peanut butter. I took the garbage out. I watched a dvd even though I didn't want to. at first. I wrote this. I hung up my clothes. All opposite. I just realized, I also have straight hair today. Leaving tomorrow and havent even packed yet.

Let's see what this week of breaking out of the box uncovers.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

"take a picture, take a picture!!!!!!!!!"

Are you happy? I'll get around to posting the album and the trip review asap. "Yes I promise!"
