Monday, July 03, 2006

Wasting taxpayers dollars again today

Took this quiz today while I was "working". cheers.

Freudian Inventory Results
Anal(63%) you appear to be overly self controlled, organized, and possibly subservient to authority, this effectively narrows your exposure to a wider set of options and ideas lowering the odds that you will make the best decisions in life.
Phallic (56%) you appear to have a good balance of sexual awareness and sexual composure.
Genital (56%) you appear to be somewhere between a progressive/openminded and regressive/closeminded outlook on life.
Oral (40%) you appear to have a good balance of independence and interdependence knowing when to accept help and when to do things on your own.
Latency (36%) you appear to be overly practical; don't undervalue abstract learning, abstract learning increases your ability to make good decisions (and predictions) in the real world so it would be 'impractical' to shun it.
Take Free Freudian Inventory Test
personality tests by

Looks like I might be in a bit of trouble!


At 10:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

When are you going to update????! I love your gave me the address in Fort Worth....remember me....3563 west 4th street!

At 10:58 PM, Blogger Lisa Raps said...

We TOTALLY remember 3563 west 4th street!!! I just came online to update but I am still waiting for her to email me the pics!

At 7:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good to see you guys got to Angelo's and back to Ft Worth....should have stopped by!

I've never thought boo about blogs but this one is really good. If I lived on Long Island (is there a 4th street there?) I'd do my best to get in more pictures with you!

You're an amazing woman.



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