Monday, May 01, 2006

May Day

Well let's see, last week I did not go to sleep on tuesday or thursday night. Strangely enough, I only slept 7 hours between tuesday morning and saturday night. I didn't take any time off work and I finished the website in just the nick of time with the help of Professor. A more serious problem I have developed is this insomnia and I just can't kick it now. Saturday was a scary night.....I need to make some changes in my life here. After class, the lot of us went to the Dove and got drinks. I started with a personal sized carafe of a spanish red, V. tasty. Although I should have paid attention because I hadn't been eating much last week and that day I had consumed a protein bar and a bottle of water. Okay fast forward to carafe #2....decided I wanted to smoke, trodded to magazine stand, paid $7.00 for cancer sticks, ugh. While smoking, a classmate was on her way out and stopped to chat with me. She asked if I was married or in a relationship. No. She said, "I can see that, you seem really tough. I think dating you would be rough, the guy would have to be a real stand up man with principles." Ummm uhhhh huh? I didn't feel like getting into a drunk conversation with her so I managed to change the topic and she was on her way.
Back at the bar, Professor

is all over this one young student, it was quite disturbing but moving on....he then moves onto another student, not young. She asks me for a smoke, we climb out the window and the cigs are lit and so are we...hahaha silly stupid pun there. She starts talking about her bf and I tell her that Prof already told me that they hooked up. She says she will be friends with him for life.
Oh thats the interesting thing. The night went on,and he moved onto to all of us, really innnappropriate but anyway. One gal and I went to another bar and then we went our separate ways and I fell asleep on the subway and it was unnerving.
It's funny, well not actually funny, but its...well whatever the word is, this woman says she will be friends with the Prof forever but she barely knows him. What she knows is what we all know and why would she want to be friends with such a jerk. Hmmmm maybe she is just bored. She's a bit older than I and it is possible that she has a serious drinking problem as well.

I requested a coveted position at work today. I think I have a shot but in the end probably not. There are 24 interested and only 6 spots, supposedly only 1 slated for a female, which now that I think about it, is a bit sexist and probably against fair hiring practice. I will look into this. 1 final paper due and 1 homework paper due tomorrow and of course I left my laptop at work, argh! BIG final paper due next monday also. Oh and like the nut I am, I decided to have a Cinco de Mayo party. Complete with pinata, sombreros and mustaches. I encourage the attendees to dress the part and bring appropriate drink/foods, of course in Mexican theme, although I will allow Latin themed dress as well. You know the pics will be posted. Can't you wait?


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